We believe the more you are informed on the hazards of the law the better your legal decisions will be. We hope you will enjoy our videos.
Business Contract Videos Include:
Khloe Kardashian & Lamar Odom Prenuptial Agreement
Kandi Burruss & The wedding that almost didn't happen
Angelina Jolie's well planned Pre-Nup
Robin Williams contract for Aladdin breached by Walt Disney
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Bruce Lee
Pop music group TLC bad contact with their manage
Kandi Burruss Prenuptial Agreement
Whitney Houston had no Pre-Nup and was sued for millions of dollars
Avoid Purchasing the Corporate Entity
Let me caution you about buying an existing business Assets
Let me caution you about writing up a business contract by yourself
Why your contract must be completely free of ambiguity
Let me caution you there is no "Time Forgiveness" in contact law
Dangers of negotiating your own business contract
The art of drafting a contract to meet your unique business needs
Let me caution you about the dangers of purchasing an existing business and the employees
Bad legal advice in Money Magazine
Conflicting legal advice in Money Magazine
Why you need a First right of refusal when purchasing a business
Let me caution you about purchasing a business with owners
Let me caution you about purchasing a business with partners
Your life needs a board of trusted advisors
The Law is Complicated
Medlin & Medlin, PA
43 Union St. South
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 786-8173
Website & Social Media provided by
Lani Wingate, On Target Social Media
Copyright 2013