This video is about the dangers of negotiating your own business contract.
Let me seriously caution you about negotiating a contract by yourself.
You are entering into a business contract to gain protection against lawsuits.
You know quite well how to run your business.
You don’t have forty years experience negotiating legal contracts.
Remember, you have an emotional stake in what happens with your business and business contracts.
When you negotiate your own business contract, negotiations sometimes mean hardnosed head butting.
Your emotions can get in the way with the other parties involved.
If you don’t get the negotiated clauses you need at the outset, you will not have them in the contract later on when you need them.
You need such things as escape clauses if the deal doesn't work.
You need clauses to deal with contingencies that you might not think about when you enter negotiations without an experienced attorney.
Folks, it is business. I don’t get emotional about these negotiations.
I don’t mind hard-nosed bargaining.
I handle business contract negotiations in a strictly professional manner.
My only concern is to negotiate the best contract terms possible for your business.
Negotiating your own business contract may well turn out to be the most expensive contract you ever sign.
In nearly 40 years of law practice, I have negotiated hundreds of effective contracts.
Let me negotiate this next contract to protect you.
My job is to take care of my clients.
Call me.
Medlin & Medlin, PA
43 Union St. South
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 786-8173
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