This video is about drafting your contract completely free of ambiguity.
You are writing this business contract to gain certainty about your business future.
You want to know exactly what you are supposed to do in the deal.
You want to know exactly what the other parties are to do in this same deal.
The problem is that each of the parties may have something different in mind because people can read the same words in a contract and see different meanings.
A contract must be drawn to make certain no one will misunderstand what to do.
The wording must be simple and direct and avoid complex words or other legal “fluff”.
An effective contract will give examples after stating what the parties are to do.
“In other words, when party A does this, party B does that”.
Clear examples assure no one will misunderstand what each party to the contract has to do to comply.
If the contract is not perfectly clear, you just handed the opposing side the arguing point they need to beat you in a court of law.
When a contract lawsuit comes against you, there will be a lawyer like me on the other side who does know what language can be interpreted against you.
In nearly 40 years of law practice, I have drawn hundreds of effective contracts.
Let me draw a contract that protects YOU.
My job is to take care of my clients.
Call me.
Medlin & Medlin, PA
43 Union St. South
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 786-8173
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