Medlin & Medlin, PA
Attorney at Law
(704) 786-8173
Concord, NC 

Avoid Self Help

This video is about the dangers of drafting your own contract.

Let me caution you about writing up a business contract by yourself.

You are writing that business contract to gain protection against lawsuits in a business matter.

Drafting your own contract may seem inexpensive at first.

Not knowing the laws of contracts, you won’t know all the clauses to prepare.

The problem is you probably will not get all the protective clauses in a contract that you need. Every business deal is different.

Miss one clause and you have lost the protection you wanted from your contract.

When the lawsuit comes against you, there will be a lawyer like me on the other side who does know that clause is missing. He will find the missing clause.

Drafting your own contract may turn out to be the most expensive contract you ever sign.

In nearly 40 years of law practice, I have drawn hundreds of effective contracts.

Let me draw a contract that protects YOU.

My job is to take care of my clients.

Call me.




Medlin & Medlin, PA
43 Union St. South
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 786-8173

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