Let me tell you something you may not know about the need for a power of attorney during your life.
Assuming you are in reasonably good physical condition, it is not likely you will die very soon.
However, the likelihood of a bad car accident or serious illness is very real for all of us at all times, no matter what age or physical condition.
When you are incapacitated, your everyday business must go on.
We all found out in 1989 when Hurricane Hugo roared through the area, injuring many people, that while people were in the hospital and unable to handle their business, that is was extremely difficult to deal with insurance adjustors, building contractors repairing houses, etc.
A power of attorney allows someone of your choosing to sign your name for you and to carry on your business in your absence.
However, you must sign that power of attorney while you are of sound mind and competent to do so.
Once the document is needed (because you are not mentally able yourself), it is too late for you to sign the power of attorney.
If you must have someone handling your business affairs and you never made a power of attorney, a very expensive court proceeding, a full trial known as a guardianship proceeding, must be held.
Don’t put your family or business in that kind of expensive predicament.
You need to handle your business arrangements (should you not be available) through the much easier, much more affordable, power of attorney and avoid the extremely expensive courtroom.
In nearly 40 years of law practice, I have handled thousands of effective estate plans.
My job is to take care of my clients.
Call me.
Medlin & Medlin, PA
43 Union St. South
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 786-8173
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