Let me tell you something you may not know about the construction of your last will and testament.
Many people have wills that were executed years and years ago.
Many people have wills that were prepared from the internet or a form book.
Many times, when the will is needed for probate, the witnesses have died or have moved away and cannot be found.
Don’t let this happen to your estate plan.
Instead, this office creates a “self-proving” will that does not require witnesses be found later on in order to probate the will.
The procedure we use may also be adapted to wills that were executed years ago, may be brought up to date and made self-proving with the procedure we utilize in this office.
In nearly 40 years of law practice, I have drawn hundreds of effective estate plans.
My job is to take care of my clients.
Call me.
Medlin & Medlin, PA
43 Union St. South
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 786-8173
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