Medlin & Medlin, PA
Attorney at Law
(704) 786-8173
Concord, NC 


Let me warn you concerning a particular aspect of estate planning, gathering the facts.

Anyone can fill in a form on the internet or out of a form book and think they have an estate plan.

Usually, they don’t.

They have a recipe for a future law suit.

I urge the use of an estate planning questionnaire.

Here is the nine page questionnaire used in this law office that I send to everyone making a will well in advance of their appointment.

Just like your doctor has to know your medical history before an examination, I have to know your personal situation.

I review the document before the appointment, making it much quicker to get to the personal aspects of estate planning.

We then review and study the questionnaire together to understand your situation.

The questionnaire is an effective way for us to truly work together.

This tool gives you time to think about what you want in your estate plan.

However, it does not provide all the answers or the questions.

Estate planning is personal.

This questionnaire is one of the tools this law firm has developed to help us get to the right questions, as well as the right answers to help us – together – create an effective estate plan.

In nearly 40 years of law practice, I have handled thousands of effective estate plans.

My job is to take care of my clients.

Call me.



Medlin & Medlin, PA
43 Union St. South
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 786-8173

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