What is the value in preventing a big family fight?
Some people know the price of everything and value of nothing.
I am sure you have a relative or know someone who believes the cheaper “less expensive” remedy or doing nothing to save money is always the best policy.
This is called being “penny wise and pound foolish”.
A good example that I see every day.
Granddad grew up during hard times.
He wouldn’t spend money for anything, much less a will.
He was way too conservative to let money cross his palm going away from him.
Now Granddad has passed away and left 19 heirs and they are all fighting over who gets what because he did not see VALUE in making a will.
Battle lines are being drawn and the family is in for a long expensive courtroom battle eating up his hard earned savings.
It would have been much cheaper for Granddad to have spent the penny to save the dollar for his beloved family later on and prevent the family fight among 19 heirs.
It would have been dollar wise for Granddad to spend some money and prevent a family fight.
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