Let me caution you about Incorporating as a Partnership
So you are thinking about operating your business as a partnership.
There is something you need to know about operating a business as a partnership.
When you operate your business with other owners, be aware you are taking on potential liability and difficulty with the partnership.
Business partnerships often break up. Sometimes, a partner doesn’t pull this weight. The members go their own separate ways.
When that happens, it can mean the end of your business, loss of good will with customers and tremendous financial difficulty.
Even worse, you have shared lawsuit liability with all of your partners.
When a lawsuit comes against the partnership because of the acts of one partner, ALL the partners are jointly liable.
When that lawsuit comes against your partnership, there will be a lawyer like me on the other side who knows that weakness in your partnership business arrangement and will take full advantage against you.
My job is to protect my clients.
If you are actually thinking of operating as a partnership, come talk to me.
Let’s at least minimize the risks.
Let’s talk about the dangers.
Call me.
Medlin & Medlin, PA
43 Union St. South
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 786-8173
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