There is something you need to know about operating your business as a limited liability company, an LLC.
When you create an LLC, your LLC acts as a shield against lawsuit liability coming against your personal assets, your home, bank accounts, cars, etc.
I encourage you to operate your business as an LLC.
Be aware there are different kinds of LLCs. There is a professional limited liability company, which is primarily used by architects, engineers, medical doctors, etc. There is also a standard limited liability company used by most other businesses.
The paper work for an LLC can be extensive and we must be careful to have ALL the paperwork in place.
FOG - If paper work is not complete, your LLC will fail and you lose the limited liability protection you need.
My job is to protect my clients.
Let’s talk about your LLC and how it can minimize your personal risks of lawsuit judgment.
Call me.
Medlin & Medlin, PA
43 Union St. South
Concord, NC 28025
(704) 786-8173
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